Monday, August 29, 2011

Fundamental of Computer

Fundamental computer can be defined as electronic devices that can solve problems by accepting data, performing certain operations and presenting the result of those operations under the direction of detailed step-by-step information. It is totally user dependent devices too. It performs complex calculation at a very high speed.
Importance of Fundamental computer:
Fundamental computer is important because it gives information from all over the world which is available to anyone with a computer. Computer fundamental is used as networks and telecommunication too. Even political boundaries are challenged by fundamental of computer too. Fundamental of computer is important for shaking up our world. Fundamental computer or every size affects human life too. Due to fundamental computer human begins gets knowledge to prepare for working and living in a computerized society. Fundamental computer effects major technological revolution on both positive and negative too. So fundamental of computer is important all over the world and in human beings life too.
Evolution of fundamental computer:   
We will be amazed to know that this fundamental computer is sitting so closely on desk today. So it is the result of several hundreds of years of development. The computing evolution starts from the early civilization of 4000years ago. Evolution of fundamental computer means the gradual change in the concept over a long period of time and on too. So evolution of fundamental computer is very much important and essential for many years too.   
Types of fundamental of computer:
There are many types of fundamental of computer in the world. But there are three important computer mostly used in this science technology and human beings life too. They are given in following types or topics.
a} Digital computer:
Digital computer is important for fundamental of computer too. It can accept discrete data too. It counts digits which represent number or letters. They are mostly widely used types of computer. Fundamental of computer is based on binary digits i.e. 0 and 1 are called digital computer too.
b}Hybrid computer:
It is the combination of analog and digital computer. It has both features of digital and analog. It can do types of tasks of digit and analog too. It can do any types of tasks of digital and analog too. It is mostly used in scientific research, industrial, application, space craft and so on too.
c}Analog computer:
Analog computer measures continuous types of physical values such as temperature or pressure. We have seen many devices used as analog device. The accuracy of data used in an analog computer is directly related to the precision of its measurements.
Characteristics of fundamental computer:
Computer fundamental is intelligent that performs various operations in more faster, accurate and effective way. Thus it frees human to use their time in matters involving creativity and judgment. The characteristics possessed by computer fundamental can be listed as follows:
a} Speed of computer:
Computer fundamental can work at a very high speed. Time taken by the computer fundamental to execute instruction is very fast. Computer fundamental takes a few micro/nano second to execute an operation. The processing speed of computer fundamental can also be measured in megahertz.
Though computer fundamental does its work with a very high speed, it does not make any mistake unless the user gives a wrong instruction. Computer fundamental are 100% accurate. This is also called GIGO (Garbage In Garbage Out) storage capacity
c}Storage capacity:
.Computer fundamental can store very large volume of data that can be used in the future by help of secondary storage device like; floppy disk, hard disk, compact disk, etc.

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