Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Basic concept of Domain name and webhosting for making website in internet

Domain Name

Whenever it comes to internet we can’t separate domain name from the internet. Whether to browse any website or to use email we use the domain name.  Therefore domain name is a unique identification that helps to create the path to open certain website.  The entire domain name in this world has IP address. IP address can be remembered by machine but it will be hard to remember for human brain. Therefore to minimize the complexity, every time we enter the domain name, the domain name will be converted into IP address and the website will be open.  Domain name has got certain extension. .com .net .org .biz  .edu etc. For registering the domain name we have to pay certain money yearly to the domain name provider.

Web hosting

Whenever we made a website it will be limited only into your computer. Like we need hard disk to store you files, images we need a web server to store our website and make it available to the world. Today’s there are many hosting company available that will host you website with full security and they will charge certain money of it. Webhosting is one of the most essential things if we are going to start new website or self hosted word press blog. If you want to start a blog at blogger or word press.We don’t need webhosting because blogger and wordpress.com host files at their server for free.  In computer the data will be stored in the hard disk likewise the data will be store in the web server in the hard disk. Therefore each upload of  file in the web space will be occupied like our hard disk stored with the numerous files. When other people try to access to website. Our file will be executive from the web server, therefore it consumes certain bandwidth.
Some basic terms in web designing
Diskspace is the space that is being used to store website or blog. Nowadays most of the webhosting offers  unlimited disk space.  That means we can store as much as data in your hosting account. The amount of diskpace may vary from different hosting companies. The diskspace is measure in MB(mega byte) and GB (Giga byte) like on hard disk spaces.
The amount of data that passes through network at a given time is called bandwidth consumes by that website. Mostly bandwidth consumes by the website is measured monthly by various hosting company. Whenever we visit a website we are accessing bandwidth of that website because to view the website, The page that you are viewing should be first downloaded on your computer.  For example if you are trying to access this page until the whole image text of this page doesn’t get downloaded on the computer you will be unable to view this website. Whenever the user interacts to website the bandwidth of your website will be consumed. So how much bandwidth will be needed for  website or blog?  Well the answer is simple it depends upon the traffic of your website. For example if we have 100 visitors per day on your  website the normal bandwidth of your website will be depend upon what the user do with your website. If the user starts viewing video that is being uploaded on your server it will consume more bandwidth if the user only interact with your website then the bandwidth will be small. If you have a large number of visitors in  website per day then you must need a good bandwidth. If the user are more than the capacity of the bandwidth of web server. Then the web server will be down therefore visitors can’t access your website. Now a day’s most of the hosting companies offer unlimited bandwidth to the users but it doesn’t mean that it will be able to enhance all the large traffic towards website. If traffic is large enough we should move blog or website towards dedicated server

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