Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Web application for making website by Internet

Web application is website that contains pages stored on a web server with partly or entirely undetermined content. The final content page is determined only when the user requests a page from the server. Because the final content of the pages varies from request to request based from web server.
A regular website comprises a set of related HTML pages and files hosted in a computer running a web server. Web server is software that serves web pages in response to requests from web browsers. A page request is generated when a user clicks a link on a web page, chooses a bookmark in a browser, or enters URL in a browser’s Address text box and click Go.
When a web sever receives a request fro a regular web page, the server sends the page to the requesting browser. But, the server reacts differently when it receives a request for dynamic pages.
An application database serves to work with server-side resources such as database. For example, a dynamic page may instruct the application server to extract data from a database and insert it into the page’s HTML.
Planning is the most developed for web application in internet for create website. We would encounter numerous problems regarding the site at the time of publishing and at the time of accessing, if we made a site without planning.


Sunday, September 11, 2011

Desktop publishing on computer

Desktop publishing in not only fascinating but also highly rewarding. Equipped with the knowledge of desktop publishing, a personal computer, a laser printer and a scanner, we can earn enough money to support. After reading we will be able to run own desktop publishing studio in house as desktop publishing operator.

Desktop publishing is the process of making layouts, setting pages and there after taking printouts. The desktop operator’s arsenal consists of the following equipment. Personal computer loaded with licensed copies of Windows XP, PageMaker7, CorelDraw 10 and Photoshop 7,Laser printer, Scanner, preferably and flat-bed.
Letterpress Printing:
In letterpress printing the letters and images to be printed are projected out of the so called “relief plate”. It appears letters and images are embossed on the relief plate.
The technique  used in gravure printing is the reverse of letterpress printing. In gravure printing, the letters and images to be printed are engraved on the plate, whereas in litho printing it appears that the letters and images are to be printed are embossed on the plate.
Hardware Requirement:
In order to start a desktop publishing studio, we should have a good personal computer with the following configuration: Microprocessor with clock speed not less than 1GHz.Motherboard with onboard multimedia circuits. Otherwise, we will have to install separate sound card, video card and so on.256MB of RAM. 40GB hard disk and Two USB ports. One laser printer.
Software Requirement:
We need licensed copies of the following software packages, in order to run a desktop publishing studio: Windows XP Professional, CorelDraw 10, Adobe Photoshop 7.0 and AdobePageMaker7.0 are examples.


Saturday, September 10, 2011

Transaction processing and security of the computer database

Transaction processing is the process of grouping together a set of queries sent to the computer database. Stored procedures are supported by computer database systems such as Oracle, SQL server and other server-based computer database programs. File-based systems such as access do not supported stored procedures in the strict sense.
Conditional statements:
 It allows branching the path of execution in a script based on whether a single or multiple condition evaluate to true or false. Put simply, they let test things and perform various actions based on the results.
Switches are a good alternative to if/Else. Statement in situations where we want to check multiple values against a single variable or condition.
Ternary operator:
It is an operator, not a control structure, the ternary operator represented by “?”, can be used as shorted for simple If/Else statements.
Continue and Break statements:
Continue is used within any loop with conditional statement like if. While looping we can check the condition for each time and make actions. According to the result of the condition we can either continue loop using continue or break loop using break.
File handling:
It provides set of providence and its facts too.


Thursday, September 8, 2011

Cyber law in internet in Nepal

The worlds least developed countries including Nepal have rewarded themselves of the opportunity to rapidly develop education, health, agriculture, tourism, trade and various other sectors using Information Technology. With the large development of Information Technology the criminal activities are also increasing. In Nepal, Cyber crimes like Software Piracy, Hacking etc. are increasing. Corruption is seen in every field – From government to private organizations are using pirated CDs. Software CDs can be seen in the footpaths of Kathmandu, which has decreased the value, as well as violated the law of the cyberspace. People are crowding into these places because of the low price. People want just the CDs. Who cares about the quality and law?
Program CDs of great value are found all over the Kathmandu valley and prices range from Rs. 50-100 (U.S $0.70 -1.40), but original software costs 100 times more than that. Though this is not new to any Nepali citizen, it may also attract the attention of some foreigners visiting Nepal. “Not only Nepalese, Foreigners also take these CDs”, said one Footpath CDs seller in Kathmandu. Whenever anyone buys a new software CD, it is shared with all his friends and relatives. It has become a habit for all Nepali people to share CDs.
This problem is not limited only to CDs. In Cyber cafes, children of young ages can be seen using porn sites. The proprietor of the CafĂ© not caring about the law, they just want all his computers to be packed. Different hackers’ software can be found in each individual’s computer.
To control those criminal activities the ‘Electronic Transaction Act’ is declared by Ministry of Information Technology and Telecommunication in 2005 A.D. which is popularly known as Cyber Law. Laws are established and enforced by the authority, legislation, or custom of a given community, state or nation to maintain orderly coexistence. Basically, Cyber law deals with child pornography, Cyber-stalking, Cyber-scams, online fraud, software piracy and much more.
In these approximately 5 years of declaration of Cyber Law, even a single percentage of crimes are not controlled. So there are still many doubts on successful implementation. Because Nepalese think “Laws are made to be broken”. This current Cyber Law has failed to address many problems. The law is not strict enough for the holistic deception of Cyber related crimes. Problems of online media, as well as fines and imprisonment, are not as big as in the U.S. and Japan.
The effective implementation of Cyber law is now a necessity. Nepal will not be able to regulate the information technology industries without taking the international legal context into account. The main thing is that regulations are enforced. First of all, the authorities should be self-concerned before awaking the citizens. Anyway this law has provided new trust to the Information Technology (IT) sector, and computer and IT professionals are hopeful that it will create a favorable situation for conducting IT business. It contains a strong provision of punishment against Cyber crimes according to the nature of the crime. As per the provisions of law, the government is fully authorized to punish Cyber criminal, an individual or institution.
Since the computing field is a dynamic one, policies and laws related to this area need to be revised periodically to reflect the changing trends.
We cannot say that Law itself will solve all the problems, but we can also think of different solutions to different problems. First of all the government need to make the people aware of all these laws and policies as soon as possible. I suggest 3 kinds of actions to secure from Cyber crimes:-
2.Firms,governments, and civil society should work cooperatively to strengthen legal frameworks for Cyber security.
‘Most great Cyber crime in Nepal is Software Piracy so to control this problem government and private IT Companies should aware the students to use Microsoft academic program(ELMS) or free/open sources software which is free of cost

Control Statements, Operators and Related topics in Internet

Control structures change the flow of execution in a script. If and switch statement are used to choose to between different blocks of code to execute. The same block of code can be repeated multiple times with for, for each, while, do loop, break, continue, exit () and die () stop the execution of a script or block of code. Finally, include and require functions provide a way for PHP scripts to call other PHP scripts.
Conditional statements:
It allows to branch of the path of execution in a script based on evaluate true or false.
Athematic Operators  
The symbols operator preforms athematic calculations:
5+6 return 11
6-3 return 3
6*3 returns 18
6/3 returns 2
7%2 returns 1

Assignment Operator:
It assigns the value returned by an operation to the accumulator is called assignment operator.
It identifies data and hold value in computers memory. We can pass different values to identifiers and set also.
It is a good alternative to If/Else if/Else statement in situations where we can check multiple values against a single variable or condition.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Protocols of computer network

Protocol establishes standards for such transmission of data. Both sending and receiving device must be capable of communicating using the same protocols. Some common protocols are the followings:
Transmission Control Protocol(TCP) is responsible for delivering information correctly. TCP establishes a connection between sender and receiver before transferring data.
Internet packet exchange/sequential packet exchange is the mostly commonly used with Novel Netware operating system for networking purpose. It is fast, well-established protocol; but not used on the internet.
Net BIOS extended user interface (NetBEUI) is transport protocol that is commonly founded smaller network. NetBEUI is fastest protocol than others. It is routable on internet. It can send and receives files and folders.

Connectors of computer network

We can’t just go out and get cables and expect to run network. First, we need some way of catch computer to the network via those cables. In other words, we now need to investigate connector possibilities.
The kind of computer we need depends on the kind of cable that we use. If we buy Ethernet T-connectors for future network, we’d better be prepared to go with an Ethernet network because Ethernet connectors won’t works with twisted-pair or fiber. Each kind of cables uses different connectors.
BNC Connectors:
We’ll use three kinds of connectors on an Ethernet bus network:
link cable to the cards making T-Shape. The T-connector plugs into the card we’ve installed in computer. The cable connects to the crossbar of the T-connector.
BNC connectors:
Link cables together and connect them to T-connectors.
Terminate the LAN on either end. Terminators are made for either 50-ohm or 75-ohm cables; 50-ohm terminators are usually the standard. Pay attention when we are buying terminators because they won’t work if mix them up. Most coax network cable system needs 50-ohm terminators.
Mist unstable twisted pair cable terminates using connectors that look like chunkier versions of the connectors used to plug telephone into the wall. These are called RJ-45, whereas telephone uses RJ-11 connectors.



LAN (Network) Topologies of Computer

Each computer or device in a network is called a node. The geometrical arrangement of computer resources, remote device and communication facilities is know as network topology. It determined data paths that may be used between any two pairs of stations of the network.
Types of network topology:
Ring network:
It is form of circle as far as the nodes are connected. Computer are linked path or in ring. It doesn’t require central host computer. Thus each nodes of ring network must have simple communication capability.
Completely connected network:
It is combined using physical link (cables). Each computer of such computer has a direct dedicated link called point-to-point link with all other computer of network.

Transmission Media:
Data required some media to travel and that cables provide this platform with help of microwaves also but it is too much expensive. Commonly the cables are used they are follows:

Coaxial cable:
It consists of many small wires/cables of copper or aluminum in a protective cover. It is able to transmit data at higher rates. It is popular cable for connecting computer terminals.

Fiber cable:
It is thin and flexible like human beings. It is useful to transfer large volume of data. It is more expensive and difficult to work and harder to install.

Cyber law in internet

Cyber law governs the legal issues of cyberspace. The term cyberspace is not restricted to the internet. It is very wide terms that include computers, computer networks, internet, data and software. Cyber law encompasses relating to electronic and digital signatures. Computer crime, intellectual property, data protection and privacy and telecommunication.
Electronic and Digital Signature Laws:
This laws are faster becoming the defector standard for authentication of electronic records, electronic data interchange emails. Comprehensive laws are required so that uniform standards and procedures can be established. These laws relating to electronic signatures.
Computer Crime Laws:
Our growing dependence on computers and the internet has made us all potential victims of internet threats. Some countries have enacted legislations that specially deal with computer crime and yet others have adapted their existing laws to make computer crime an offence under existing statues. These laws are under the gambit of cyber laws.
Intellectual Property Laws:
Cyber laws cover that intellectual property laws that relate to cyber space and its constituents. This includes:
Copyright Law in relation to computer software, computer source code.
Trademark Law in relation to domain names.


Saturday, September 3, 2011

C programming Used in Internet

C language is the high level programming languages. It was developed by Denis Ritchie and implemented at Bell laboratories in 1972. It gets existence from the development of Ken Thompson. B language which is highly flounced by Basic combined programming languages was developed in Unix operating system. C is a powerful, structured and procedural language. It emphasis on procedure rather than data. It is powerful language because it combined the features of assembly and high level language.
Features of C languages
C is the structured of languages:
It supports various programming constructs such as looping built in function. So, that it provides a shorten structure to built the programs.
C is the robused languages:
The built in function keywords operators of C which can be used in any complex program and easy and ephasiation and execute.
Portable languages:
C is a portable languages that means c programs return in any computer can be run in any other computer with little or modification.
Modular programming:
Programming in c can be cooperate or divided to different segments called function. So, that it will be easier to write as well as debug. Incase, the programming goes larger than programs can write it in different files and compile them separately.

Format specified:  
It is a special symbols star with percentage (%) and tells the c compiler, the types of value which is going to be processed (read and write).
Format specified
Integer types
Floating print type
Long integer
Character type
Double type
String type

Pre-processor directive:
In c, #include forms preprocessor directives. It tells the c processor to look for a file and places the content of the files in the location where #include identifiers. The pre processor is a program that does some preparation for the complier before the code is complied.
Header files:
Header files are the library files which is needed to use the C library built in functions. It has file extension. It is enclosed in < >. In C it declared after #include directives and at the top of the program.
It is a special symbol which acts upon an operand. Examples are-? +, -, /, >, <.etc. operand are the variable or constant in which operator acts upon. There are two types of operator. An operator which acts upon only one operand is called unary operator and which acts upon two operand is called binary operators.
Increment (+ +) and Decrement (- -) operators:
Increment operator increased the value of an operand 1. Decrement operator decreases the value of operand 1.
Standard Input/output functions:
C consists of several in built library functions. The functions can be used in program including an appropriate header files. One of them is standard/input/output functions which are available in <stdio.h> header files.

Control statement:
Till now we are writing simple and unrealities program because program do not consists of any kinds of testing or condition. In realistic program, there will be a condition to make a decision so that program control can transfer from one part of program to another part realistic program can be written control statement.
It is a process which allows the data to be repeated unless or until some condition has been satisfied.
An array is a collection of similar types of variables in common names. It is a user defined homogenous data structure.
It a collection of characters or groups of characters which is terminated by Null character (\0). It is also known as an array of characters.
It breaks down large computing task to into similar pieces which increases the effiency of programming. Function always returns values. C programs consist of one or more functions. Two types of function are there i.e. user defined and library functions. Library function are built in functions whereas user defined functions are created by user. C programs supports modular programming which is possible due to functions.
 C libraries:
C libraries are prewritten procedures that carry out various operations or calculations. The sources program must therefore include declaration for library functions. The required functions are stored in special sources files are called header files.
It is single identifiers which are equivalent to expression, complete statement or group of statement. The preprocessor directive, # define can be used to define macros.