Saturday, September 3, 2011

C programming Used in Internet

C language is the high level programming languages. It was developed by Denis Ritchie and implemented at Bell laboratories in 1972. It gets existence from the development of Ken Thompson. B language which is highly flounced by Basic combined programming languages was developed in Unix operating system. C is a powerful, structured and procedural language. It emphasis on procedure rather than data. It is powerful language because it combined the features of assembly and high level language.
Features of C languages
C is the structured of languages:
It supports various programming constructs such as looping built in function. So, that it provides a shorten structure to built the programs.
C is the robused languages:
The built in function keywords operators of C which can be used in any complex program and easy and ephasiation and execute.
Portable languages:
C is a portable languages that means c programs return in any computer can be run in any other computer with little or modification.
Modular programming:
Programming in c can be cooperate or divided to different segments called function. So, that it will be easier to write as well as debug. Incase, the programming goes larger than programs can write it in different files and compile them separately.

Format specified:  
It is a special symbols star with percentage (%) and tells the c compiler, the types of value which is going to be processed (read and write).
Format specified
Integer types
Floating print type
Long integer
Character type
Double type
String type

Pre-processor directive:
In c, #include forms preprocessor directives. It tells the c processor to look for a file and places the content of the files in the location where #include identifiers. The pre processor is a program that does some preparation for the complier before the code is complied.
Header files:
Header files are the library files which is needed to use the C library built in functions. It has file extension. It is enclosed in < >. In C it declared after #include directives and at the top of the program.
It is a special symbol which acts upon an operand. Examples are-? +, -, /, >, <.etc. operand are the variable or constant in which operator acts upon. There are two types of operator. An operator which acts upon only one operand is called unary operator and which acts upon two operand is called binary operators.
Increment (+ +) and Decrement (- -) operators:
Increment operator increased the value of an operand 1. Decrement operator decreases the value of operand 1.
Standard Input/output functions:
C consists of several in built library functions. The functions can be used in program including an appropriate header files. One of them is standard/input/output functions which are available in <stdio.h> header files.

Control statement:
Till now we are writing simple and unrealities program because program do not consists of any kinds of testing or condition. In realistic program, there will be a condition to make a decision so that program control can transfer from one part of program to another part realistic program can be written control statement.
It is a process which allows the data to be repeated unless or until some condition has been satisfied.
An array is a collection of similar types of variables in common names. It is a user defined homogenous data structure.
It a collection of characters or groups of characters which is terminated by Null character (\0). It is also known as an array of characters.
It breaks down large computing task to into similar pieces which increases the effiency of programming. Function always returns values. C programs consist of one or more functions. Two types of function are there i.e. user defined and library functions. Library function are built in functions whereas user defined functions are created by user. C programs supports modular programming which is possible due to functions.
 C libraries:
C libraries are prewritten procedures that carry out various operations or calculations. The sources program must therefore include declaration for library functions. The required functions are stored in special sources files are called header files.
It is single identifiers which are equivalent to expression, complete statement or group of statement. The preprocessor directive, # define can be used to define macros.



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