Saturday, September 10, 2011

Transaction processing and security of the computer database

Transaction processing is the process of grouping together a set of queries sent to the computer database. Stored procedures are supported by computer database systems such as Oracle, SQL server and other server-based computer database programs. File-based systems such as access do not supported stored procedures in the strict sense.
Conditional statements:
 It allows branching the path of execution in a script based on whether a single or multiple condition evaluate to true or false. Put simply, they let test things and perform various actions based on the results.
Switches are a good alternative to if/Else. Statement in situations where we want to check multiple values against a single variable or condition.
Ternary operator:
It is an operator, not a control structure, the ternary operator represented by “?”, can be used as shorted for simple If/Else statements.
Continue and Break statements:
Continue is used within any loop with conditional statement like if. While looping we can check the condition for each time and make actions. According to the result of the condition we can either continue loop using continue or break loop using break.
File handling:
It provides set of providence and its facts too.


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